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PLATFORM of the Kentucky Democratic Party

Democrats are united in our belief that America is a better place when everyone gets a fair shot at a good life, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules. Kentucky Democrats are organizing in every district, going precinct-by-precinct and door-to-door to elect leaders with the vision and values we share.
At the Top of every list of any Democratic Party issues page will be our commitment to Education, both Public and Private.  We are passionate about educating our next generation in Science, Math, Government, and the Arts. We want ALL children to have access to a high quality education and safe and health environment at school.  We are equally committed to the most important resource in our school systems, the Teachers.  

America is a melting pot of immigrants and even our Native American ancestors came from somewhere else at one point.  We are people of all color, creed, nationalities, gender and ideals.  We are all children of God and brothers and sisters living on a solitary planet in a vast universe. Humanity is caring for everyone and hate has no place in our hearts, minds and our country, state, city or county government.


We want to pay the lowest possible tax that we can bear and we want to provide the most services possible that we can bear.  Is that possible? Who should bear the burden of paying the most in taxes and who should be allowed to be provided exemptions and loopholes to pay less or no taxes?   Democrats opt for those in the Middle Class or living below the Poverty line to have these breaks and for those who can afford to pay and have benefitted the most from the American dream to fund the government and social programs the most.  After all, the wealth and corporate America benefits the most when everyone else does well and they have a healthy, happy workforce at their disposal.

The War on Poverty

Housing the Homeless, Feeding the Hungry, Helping Heal the Sick and doing our best to help raise the standard of living for everyone is a lofty goal but one we do not shy away from.  We support the humane use of our tax dollar to serve the people most in need and to make sure we all share in the American Dream.  We support a decent wage for workers, we support equal pay for women and we support decent work conditions and a safe and fair work environment for everyone.  We will fight against discrimination and glass ceilings of any sort in every way we can. 


Despite how much money you make, how much you have in the bank or how much you owe in bills, every American should be given the dignity and respect to affordable, quality healthcare.  Where private insurance falls short of providing this service, we have a moral obligation to step in and help.  Rural America as well as Urban America deserves equal attention and care.  We are all Americans and playing for the same team. 


We all live on Planet Earth.  There is not Plan(et) B.  We either preserve the natural resources we have in a sanitary way or we all perish.  It is that simple.  We want clean, pure Air to breathe.  We want clean, pure Water to drink.  We want clean, pure soil to Grow crops and feed our livestock.  We choose not to live in filth with litter and garbage haphazardly discarded in places where we have to live.  It may called by many names, but planet husbandry and simply preserving our basics of life is indisputable.  Leaving an uninhabitable and dirty planet for our children and grandchildren is not only irresponsible, it is morally criminal.

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